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OneUp Components



OneUp Guide I05 Underbash

CHF 53.90 inkl. MwSt.

If you’re not looking for chain retention or your bike has an integrated chain guide, you can still add some bash protection with the OneUp ISCG05 Underbash.

The Underbash includes 3 different sizes of bash plate for compatibility with chainrings from 28-36T. Designed for frames with 2 ISCG05 tabs only (Evil, Rocky Mountain, etc). Should not be used on frames with 3 ISCG05 tabs.


Install without removing your crank
Single tool install and adjustment
Boost compatible
Oval Compatible
Stainless Steel hardware
Includes 3 bash plates (28-30T, 32-34T, 36T)

Weight: 68g 32-34T
Capacity: 28-36T
Chainline: 2.5mm adjustment
Mount: ISCG05 2-Bolt ONLY
Color: Black
Material: 7075 aluminum, glass reinforced thermoplastic


1. Hold backplate directly against ISCG05 tabs. Check for clearance between the back side of the bashplate and the bike frame (use included 2.5mm spacers if necessary to space the backplate away from the frame).
2. Rotate backplate to desired location and torque bolts to 5Nm


1. Remove Underbash from bike
2. Remove bolt retaining clip from rear bash plate bolt by pushing a 4mm hex through the bolt from the backside of the Underbash.
3. Remove Bash bolts using a 5mm hex
4. Select desired bash plate and reinstall bash bolts to 6Nm
5. Reinstall bolt retaining clip on the rear bash plate bolt
6. Reinstall Underbash onto bike


Mels3 Stück an Lager

Externes Lager0 Stück an Lager

Bern0 Stück an Lager

Artikelnummer: 1C0324.5919 Kategorie: Marke:
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